
Foundations of Business: Global Business Strategy


$299 Enroll

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This course on Global Business Strategy is divided into two parts, one which focuses on business strategy and one which focuses on global strategy. The core premise is that if there are serious weaknesses in a company's business strategy, then no degree of sophistication regarding global strategy can save the company. Thus, the design of a company's global strategy depends hugely on the key elements and soundness of its business strategy.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Assess your business strategy including the fundamental sources of your competitive advantage
  • Explore and examine potential Blue Ocean opportunities within your industry
  • Assess the strength (or weakness) of your company’s competitive advantage along both dimensions: onstage (i.e., in the eyes of customers on criteria that matter to them) and backstage (i.e., in terms of your resources and capabilities)
  • Develop a game plan to strengthen your company’s competitive advantages both onstage and backstage
  • Explain the global economic structure of your industry - especially whether the odds favor local players or global players, how much, and why
  • Develop a strategy for the globalization of your company's market presence
  • Design a strategy for the global optimization of your company's value chain


The course is completely self paced. It will take you approximately 30 hours to complete all 5 modules. Activities include, video lessons, readings, and self reflection activities. Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

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